SEO Competitive Analysis Tools

Check the SEO competition in a matter of minutes.

Win the competition
  • Organic Research

    Just enter your competitor’s domain name to start seeing insights to strengthen your SEO strategy! Use simple filters and move between reports all about your competitor’s organic search rankings and position changes.

  • Keyword Gap

    Compare up to five competitors side by side and find the gaps in keyword strategies that you can start to target with your site.

  • Keyword Overview

    Enjoy a simple way to do a competitive analysis on a single keyword. See all the metrics behind it that can take your SEO strategy to new heights.

  • Backlink Analytics

    Discover tons of ways to find new backlink opportunities for your own site. Simply enter your competitor’s site to see all of their backlinks. Then, find their top referring domains, apply filters to find specific sites, and even pinpoint their most recently acquired and lost backlinks.

  • Backlink Gap

    A quick and simple solution to find tons of relevant link building opportunities in your niche. Compare up to five competitors’ backlink profiles to see who links to your competitors but not you.

  • My Reports

    Build beautiful PDF reports quick and easy with drag-and-drop Semrush widgets and plenty of formatting features. Once you gather all of the intelligence on your competitors, put it together into a perfect PDF to finalize your competitive analysis and share it with your team and/or client.

  • Map Rank Tracker

    Track your Google Maps rankings with pinpoint precision—for both your business and your competitors. Customize your tracking experience by setting the preferred map grid, reporting schedule, and target keywords.

  • Position Tracking

    Discover and track all of your site’s positions on Google’s SERP. Watch the rise and fall of search terms that matter the most to you and your organic competitors’.

Get essential insights about your niche with in-depth competitor SEO tracking!

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